Wolfram Name Popularity

According to our data, Wolfram is the 7910 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Wolfram was most popular in 1926 when it was given to two boys (an estimated 0.00071592% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1926 back then. In 1926 the most popular baby boy names were Robert, John, William. Mary, Dorothy, Betty were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: David, Dale, Denise, Jack, Wolf

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Wolfram has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Wolfram

A person named Wolfram most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Wolfram — Claudia
One couple
Wolfram — Dorothee
One couple
Wolfram — Elena
One couple
Wolfram — Jean
One couple
Wolfram — Marie-alise
One couple
Wolfram — Nori
One couple
Wolfram — Priscilla
One couple
Wolfram — Susan
One couple

Persons named Wolfram

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Wolfram Ahonen
Two persons
Wolfram Albrecht
Two persons
Wolfram Anders
Two persons
Wolfram Andrews
Three persons
Wolfram Arnold
Three persons
Wolfram Aurin
Three persons
Wolfram Bloomer
Two persons
Wolfram Blume
Two persons
Wolfram Cisenius
Two persons
Wolfram Dennis
Three persons
Wolfram Doll
Two persons
Wolfram Ebel
Four persons
Wolfram Fischer
Six persons
Wolfram Foster
Three persons
Wolfram Frank
Two persons
Wolfram Gauglitz
Three persons
Wolfram Gmelin
Two persons
Wolfram Groeber
One person
Wolfram Grothe
Two persons
Wolfram Grziwa
Two persons
Wolfram Halder
Three persons
Wolfram Harvey
Four persons
Wolfram Jarisch
Two persons
Wolfram Kalber
Two persons
Wolfram Klawitter
Three persons
Wolfram Koehler
Six persons
Wolfram Krammel
Four persons
Wolfram Krank
Three persons
Wolfram Krause
Two persons
Wolfram Kube
Two persons
Wolfram Kunert
Three persons
Wolfram Kursten
Two persons
Wolfram Latsch
Two persons
Wolfram Locher
Two persons
Wolfram Lutz
Two persons
Wolfram Meingast
Two persons
Wolfram Milk
Two persons
Wolfram Milz
Two persons
Wolfram Mueller
Four persons
Wolfram Neff
Three persons
Wolfram Nothaft
One person
Wolfram Pacheco
Eight persons
Wolfram Radloff
Two persons
Wolfram Rieger
Three persons
Wolfram Ripoll
Two persons
Wolfram Schenk
Two persons
Wolfram Schlenker
Four persons
Wolfram Schlicht
Two persons
Wolfram Schmedding
Five persons
Wolfram Schmidt
Two persons
Wolfram Schulte
Two persons
Wolfram Schynoll
Two persons
Wolfram Sievers
One person
Wolfram Stahl
One person
Wolfram Striepe
Two persons
Wolfram Stumpf
Three persons
Wolfram Taube
One person
Wolfram Tittel
One person
Wolfram Trummer
Two persons
Wolfram Urbanek
Three persons
Wolfram Vedder
One person
Wolfram Verlaan
Three persons
Wolfram Von
Two persons
Wolfram Wolz
Two persons
Wolfram Zeppenfeld
Seven persons