Array ( [index] => /male-names-alphabetically [letter] => /male-names-alphabetically/s )

Sheik Name Popularity

According to our data, Sheik is the 5272 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Sheik was most popular in 1976 when it was given to eleven boys (an estimated 0.00090640% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1976 back then. In 1976 the most popular baby boy names were Michael, Jason, Christopher. Jennifer, Amy, Melissa were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Sheikh, Mohamed, Sheila, Mohammed, Azam, Hassan, Shaikh, Shelia

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Sheik has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Sheik

A person named Sheik most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Sheik — Bibi
Two couples
Sheik — Alison
One couple
Sheik — Faneeza
One couple
Sheik — Jessica
One couple
Sheik — Majitha
One couple
Sheik — Mary
One couple
Sheik — Maureen
One couple
Sheik — Nafisah
One couple
Sheik — Rocio
One couple
Sheik — Sowdatu
One couple
Sheik — Tanya
One couple

Persons named Sheik

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Sheik Ahmad
Two persons
Sheik Ahmed
Five persons
Sheik Alladin
Three persons
Sheik Ally
Four persons
Sheik Ameer
Two persons
Sheik Amin
Two persons
Sheik Anif
Three persons
Sheik Aslam
One person
Sheik Ayube
Six persons
Sheik Aziz
Five persons
Sheik Bakhsh
Two persons
Sheik Baksh
Ten persons
Sheik Bashir
One person
Sheik Bey
Four persons
Sheik Budhai
Two persons
Sheik Chedda
Three persons
Sheik Collins
Two persons
Sheik Daboh
Three persons
Sheik Darson
Two persons
Sheik Deen
Ten persons
Sheik Ebrahim
Four persons
Sheik Ellias
Two persons
Sheik Faheem
Two persons
Sheik Farouk
Four persons
Sheik Farrouk
Four persons
Sheik Faruk
Four persons
Sheik Farzeem
Three persons
Sheik Gaffoor
Six persons
Sheik Habib
Two persons
Sheik Hameed
Two persons
Sheik Hamil
Three persons
Sheik Hanif
Five persons
Sheik Haque
Three persons
Sheik Hasan
Three persons
Sheik Hosein
Two persons
Sheik Hossain
Seven persons
Sheik Hussain
Seven persons
Sheik Hussein
Two persons
Sheik Ibrahim
Four persons
Sheik Imrhan
Four persons
Sheik Insanally
Seven persons
Sheik Ishahak
Three persons
Sheik Ishaque
Two persons
Sheik Islam
Two persons
Sheik Jabir
Three persons
Sheik Jalloh
Ten persons
Sheik Johnson
Two persons
Sheik Kaiuyum
Three persons
Sheik Kamal
Two persons
Sheik Kamara
Seven persons
Sheik Kamran
Two persons
Sheik Kargbo
Two persons
Sheik Karim
Two persons
Sheik Madar
Two persons
Sheik Mansaray
Four persons
Sheik Maqbool
Two persons
Sheik Mohamad
Six persons
Sheik Mohammed
Four persons
Sheik Muhammad
One person
Sheik Muzaffarr
Two persons
Sheik Neal
Two persons
Sheik Nixon
Two persons
Sheik Njie
Three persons
Sheik Omar
Three persons
Sheik Pasha
Two persons
Sheik Rahim
Five persons
Sheik Rahman
Ten persons
Sheik Ramessar
Seven persons
Sheik Saddick
Three persons
Sheik Saheed
Two persons
Sheik Sahib
Three persons
Sheik Samad
Three persons
Sheik Samsair
Three persons
Sheik Sesay
Two persons
Sheik Shabeer
Two persons
Sheik Shaffee
Four persons
Sheik Shah
Three persons
Sheik Shakoor
Two persons
Sheik Shakur
Three persons
Sheik Sheik
Three persons
Sheik Shoieb
One person
Sheik Siu
Two persons
Sheik Tarawaly
Three persons
Sheik Tehuti
Two persons
Sheik Tyler
Three persons
Sheik Yousuf
Three persons
Sheik Zaffrullah
Three persons
Sheik Ziauddin
Two persons