Nevine Name Popularity

Nevine is the 12539th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Nevine was most popular in 1966, when this name was given to thirteen newborn babies (0.00079484% of total births) — ranked 4383 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, David, John. Lisa, Maria, Kimberly are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Nevine appears in the SSA records is 1924.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Nevin, Aziz, Michelle, Betty, Kevin, Shelley, Melanie

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Nevine has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Nevine

A person named Nevine most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Nevine — Khaled
Two couples
Nevine — Amr
One couple
Nevine — Antoine
One couple
Nevine — Ehab
One couple
Nevine — Essam
One couple
Nevine — Gary
One couple
Nevine — Nader
One couple
Nevine — Shawn
One couple
Nevine — Tarek
One couple

Persons named Nevine

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Nevine Abadir
Two persons
Nevine Abdallah
Two persons
Nevine Ali
Two persons
Nevine Aref
Two persons
Nevine Awad
Four persons
Nevine Aziz
Three persons
Nevine Bayadi
Two persons
Nevine Boulos
Two persons
Nevine Campbell
Four persons
Nevine Carp
Two persons
Nevine Cintron
One person
Nevine Daniels
One person
Nevine Dumke
One person
Nevine Duncan
Two persons
Nevine El-bayadi
Two persons
Nevine Elshiekh
Three persons
Nevine Eltonsy
Two persons
Nevine Gahed
Five persons
Nevine George
Two persons
Nevine Gerges
Two persons
Nevine Girgis
Two persons
Nevine Grosso
Four persons
Nevine Guillaume
Two persons
Nevine Hassan
Two persons
Nevine Howard
Four persons
Nevine Ibrahim
Three persons
Nevine Iqbal
Two persons
Nevine Isaac
Two persons
Nevine Kades
Two persons
Nevine Khalil
Four persons
Nevine Loutfy
Three persons
Nevine Markicic
Three persons
Nevine Michael
Three persons
Nevine Michaels
Two persons
Nevine Mikhael
Two persons
Nevine Mikhail
Six persons
Nevine Miller
Four persons
Nevine Mohareb
Two persons
Nevine Moussa
Three persons
Nevine Moustafa
Three persons
Nevine Nadim
Two persons
Nevine Nakhla
Four persons
Nevine Nekhela
Two persons
Nevine Ragheb
Two persons
Nevine Roushdy
Two persons
Nevine Ruefiel
Two persons
Nevine Samuel
Three persons
Nevine Shariff
Two persons
Nevine Sharpe
One person
Nevine Shehata
Two persons
Nevine Sidhom
Three persons
Nevine Smith
Four persons
Nevine Soliman
Four persons
Nevine Sorial
Five persons
Nevine Wahba
Two persons
Nevine Yacoub
Two persons
Nevine Zariffa
Two persons