Maripat Name Popularity

Maripat is the 12810th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Maripat was most popular in 1951, when this name was given to eleven newborn babies (0.00074241% of total births) — ranked 3647 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Robert, John, James. Linda, Mary, Patricia are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Maripat appears in the SSA records is 1932.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Mary, Mari, Marypat, Marian, Maria

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Maripat has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Maripat

A person named Maripat most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Maripat — William
Two couples
Maripat — Brendan
One couple
Maripat — Brian
One couple
Maripat — David
One couple
Maripat — Denis
One couple
Maripat — Edward
One couple
Maripat — Fred
One couple
Maripat — Gregory
One couple
Maripat — Harry
One couple
Maripat — James
One couple
Maripat — John
One couple
Maripat — Jonathan
One couple
Maripat — Kenneth
One couple
Maripat — Paul
One couple
Maripat — Rory
One couple
Maripat — Thomas
One couple

Persons named Maripat

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Maripat Abbott
Two persons
Maripat Alpuche
Two persons
Maripat Brown
Three persons
Maripat Coughlan
Two persons
Maripat Daley
Two persons
Maripat Donavan
One person
Maripat Donovan
Two persons
Maripat Downey
Three persons
Maripat Durkin
Two persons
Maripat Findley
Two persons
Maripat Finigan
Two persons
Maripat Glover
Two persons
Maripat Guzzo
Two persons
Maripat Hanna
Two persons
Maripat Hennessy
Three persons
Maripat Higgins
Two persons
Maripat Hinders
Two persons
Maripat Jeske
Two persons
Maripat Jordan
Three persons
Maripat Laccay
Two persons
Maripat Logan
Two persons
Maripat Lombard
Two persons
Maripat Mccutchan
Three persons
Maripat Moloney
Two persons
Maripat Mulvey
Three persons
Maripat Naugle
Two persons
Maripat Nevins
One person
Maripat Perram
Three persons
Maripat Plocki
Two persons
Maripat Powers
Two persons
Maripat Price
Two persons
Maripat Quain
Two persons
Maripat Quinn
Three persons
Maripat Raiter
Two persons
Maripat Rapach
Two persons
Maripat Sluyter
Two persons
Maripat Snyder
Five persons
Maripat Sparks
Two persons
Maripat Ullrich
One person
Maripat Weber
Two persons
Maripat Webster
One person
Maripat Welz
Two persons
Maripat Wilson
One person
Maripat Wurl
Two persons
Maripat Zepsa
Three persons