Liria Name Popularity

Liria is the 12850th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Liria was most popular in 1999, when this name was given to one newborn babies (0.00128750% of total births) — ranked 6137 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Matthew, Jacob. Emily, Hannah, Alexis are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Liria appears in the SSA records is 1920.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Lydia, Lidia, Lilia, Livia, Lira, Richard, Hodges, Michelle, Ciria

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Liria has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Liria

A person named Liria most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Liria — Alberto
One couple
Liria — Benito
One couple
Liria — Estella
One couple
Liria — German
One couple
Liria — Gregory
One couple
Liria — Guillermo
One couple
Liria — Joseph
One couple
Liria — Matthew
One couple
Liria — Miguel
One couple
Liria — Oliver
One couple
Liria — Tanielton
One couple

Persons named Liria

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Liria Areche
Two persons
Liria Argueta
Two persons
Liria Baloy
Three persons
Liria Bernardi
Two persons
Liria Bondar
Two persons
Liria Bravo
Three persons
Liria Bronfill
Two persons
Liria Caesar
Two persons
Liria Castillo
Two persons
Liria Chambers
Two persons
Liria Dassow
Two persons
Liria Davila
Two persons
Liria Deandrade
Two persons
Liria Escobar
Three persons
Liria Fernandez
Two persons
Liria Frerer
Two persons
Liria Garcia
Four persons
Liria Gjolaj
Two persons
Liria Gonzalez
Two persons
Liria Graciano
Four persons
Liria Gutierrez
Two persons
Liria Handal
Three persons
Liria Hasho
Two persons
Liria Heidenreich
Four persons
Liria Hernandez
Seven persons
Liria Herrera
One person
Liria Huber
Two persons
Liria Kertis
Two persons
Liria Litano
Two persons
Liria Lujan
Two persons
Liria Melendez
Two persons
Liria Mersini
Two persons
Liria Mumford
Two persons
Liria Pedroza
One person
Liria Perrone
Two persons
Liria Pisco
One person
Liria Racuk
Two persons
Liria Ramirez
Three persons
Liria Rangel
Two persons
Liria Rodriguez
Five persons
Liria Romero
Three persons
Liria Ruffier
Four persons
Liria Saler
Two persons
Liria Sampayo
Two persons
Liria Santos
Two persons
Liria Suarez
One person
Liria Topuz
Two persons
Liria Valle
Two persons
Liria Vega
Three persons
Liria Vouzikas
Three persons
Liria Yates
Two persons