Gunars Name Popularity

According to our data, Gunars is the 8833 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Gunars was most popular in 1933 when it was given to eight boys (an estimated 0.00175528% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1933 back then. In 1933 the most popular baby boy names were Robert, John, James. Mary, Barbara, Betty were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Gunar, Otto

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Gunars has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Gunars

A person named Gunars most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Gunars — Albert
One couple
Gunars — Carmen
One couple
Gunars — Cynthia
One couple
Gunars — Nancy
One couple
Gunars — Sheryl
One couple
Gunars — Solveiga
One couple

Persons named Gunars

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Gunars Arnits
Two persons
Gunars Berzins
Four persons
Gunars Brakmanis
Two persons
Gunars Brunavs
Two persons
Gunars Bumbulis
Three persons
Gunars Bumburs
Two persons
Gunars Burvis
Three persons
Gunars Cazers
Two persons
Gunars Cukurs
Two persons
Gunars Dvelis
Three persons
Gunars Eglitis
Two persons
Gunars Ejups
Two persons
Gunars Elmuts
Seven persons
Gunars Foldats
Three persons
Gunars Fride
Two persons
Gunars Grants
Two persons
Gunars Graudins
Two persons
Gunars Grava
Three persons
Gunars Heine
Two persons
Gunars Hvastkovs
Two persons
Gunars Indars
Three persons
Gunars Jakobsons
Three persons
Gunars Kalnins
Two persons
Gunars Kampe
Two persons
Gunars Karklins
Two persons
Gunars Kaulins
One person
Gunars Knegeris
Two persons
Gunars Lacis
One person
Gunars Laping
Two persons
Gunars Lapins
Five persons
Gunars Licitis
Four persons
Gunars Medins
Four persons
Gunars Mencis
Three persons
Gunars Norris
Two persons
Gunars Ozolins
Two persons
Gunars Ozolnieks
Two persons
Gunars Paegle
One person
Gunars Purgailis
Two persons
Gunars Puspurs
Two persons
Gunars Rauda
Two persons
Gunars Repins
Two persons
Gunars Richters
Two persons
Gunars Sneiders
Three persons
Gunars Svika
Two persons
Gunars Terauds
Two persons
Gunars Udris
Two persons
Gunars Valkirs
Four persons
Gunars Viksnins
One person
Gunars Vilcins
Two persons
Gunars Vilinskis
Three persons
Gunars Vilums
Two persons
Gunars Vinkels
Two persons
Gunars Vitolins
Five persons
Gunars Zandbergs
Five persons
Gunars Zebergs
Two persons
Gunars Zvaigzne
Three persons