Granger Name Popularity

According to our data, Granger is the 6771 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Granger was most popular in 1993 when it was given to six boys (an estimated 0.00082408% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1993 back then. In 1993 the most popular baby boy names were Michael, Christopher, Matthew. Ashley, Jessica, Emily were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: James

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Granger has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Granger

A person named Granger most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Granger — Amber
One couple
Granger — Bernarditha
One couple
Granger — Brenda
One couple
Granger — Jessica
One couple
Granger — Laura
One couple
Granger — Mallory
One couple
Granger — Raye
One couple
Granger — Tina
One couple

Persons named Granger

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Granger Abuhoff
Two persons
Granger Amthor
Five persons
Granger Angel
Four persons
Granger Baron
Two persons
Granger Benson
Four persons
Granger Brock
Two persons
Granger Brown
Seven persons
Granger Carlson
Two persons
Granger Chapman
One person
Granger Chui
Three persons
Granger Cissel
Two persons
Granger Clark
Five persons
Granger Cook
Three persons
Granger Daniel
Three persons
Granger Davies
One person
Granger Davis
Six persons
Granger Doctor
One person
Granger Elfers
Two persons
Granger Elliott
One person
Granger Fulton
Two persons
Granger Gallegos
Two persons
Granger Garden
Two persons
Granger Graham
Three persons
Granger Granger
Four persons
Granger Greenbaum
Three persons
Granger Handley
Two persons
Granger Harriss
Two persons
Granger Hassman
Two persons
Granger Hassmann
Two persons
Granger Hickman
Two persons
Granger Hopson
Three persons
Granger Howard
Two persons
Granger Huntress
Two persons
Granger Jenkins
Two persons
Granger Johnson
Four persons
Granger Kelly
Two persons
Granger Kenly
Six persons
Granger Kersten
Two persons
Granger Korff
Two persons
Granger Krebill
Three persons
Granger Lewis
Two persons
Granger Liles
Three persons
Granger Lockhart
Two persons
Granger Maher
Two persons
Granger Martin
Four persons
Granger Mckinney
Two persons
Granger Noles
Two persons
Granger Nyboer
Two persons
Granger Osborne
Three persons
Granger Peck
Two persons
Granger Prunier
Two persons
Granger Russo
Two persons
Granger Samaha
Three persons
Granger Scruggs
Two persons
Granger Sellers
Three persons
Granger Souder
Three persons
Granger Soward
Three persons
Granger Stefanko
Two persons
Granger Stuck
Three persons
Granger Stutes
Two persons
Granger Sutton
Seven persons
Granger Thompson
Three persons
Granger Tripp
Three persons
Granger Vester
Two persons
Granger Vinall
Two persons
Granger Waid
Two persons
Granger Waldron
Three persons
Granger Ward
Two persons
Granger Westberg
Two persons
Granger Whitelaw
Five persons
Granger Williams
Four persons
Granger Wong
Two persons