Gokul Name Popularity

According to our data, Gokul is the 11303 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Gokul was most popular in 1997 when it was given to two boys (an estimated 0.00055092% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1997 back then. In 1997 the most popular baby boy names were Jacob, Michael, Matthew. Emily, Ashley, Hannah were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Megan, Morgan, Rakesh, Chandra, Christy, Christina

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Gokul has varied over time

by years

Persons named Gokul

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Gokul Agarwalla
One person
Gokul Baral
Three persons
Gokul Bhaumik
Two persons
Gokul Boyapaty
Four persons
Gokul Brijmohan
Three persons
Gokul Chandran
Two persons
Gokul Dass
One person
Gokul Gondi
Four persons
Gokul Gopalan
Two persons
Gokul Hemmady
Two persons
Gokul Kaliappan
Two persons
Gokul Kandiraju
Three persons
Gokul Krishnan
Four persons
Gokul Kumar
Five persons
Gokul Madhyani
Four persons
Gokul Malyavanatham
Three persons
Gokul Mathan
Two persons
Gokul Murthy
Two persons
Gokul Nair
Six persons
Gokul Nallani
One person
Gokul Narayanan
Two persons
Gokul Natarajan
Two persons
Gokul Parikh
Four persons
Gokul Pillai
Two persons
Gokul Poudyal
Two persons
Gokul Prakass
One person
Gokul Rachiraju
Two persons
Gokul Rajaram
One person
Gokul Raman
Three persons
Gokul Ramaswamy
One person
Gokul Ramesh
One person
Gokul Sathiacama
Five persons
Gokul Shah
Three persons
Gokul Shanbag
Four persons
Gokul Sharma
Four persons
Gokul Sheshadri
Three persons
Gokul Singhal
Two persons
Gokul Solai
Five persons
Gokul Srinivasan
Two persons
Gokul Subramaniam
Three persons
Gokul Subramanian
Four persons
Gokul Tirumalai
Two persons
Gokul Tirupathi
One person
Gokul Vangara
Two persons