Gentle Name Popularity

According to our data, Gentle is the 9272 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Gentle was most popular in 1925 when it was given to three boys (an estimated 0.00119649% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1925 back then. In 1925 the most popular baby boy names were John, Robert, William. Mary, Dorothy, Betty were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Lee, Michelle, George, Casey, Rebecca, Rozier, James, Cody, Case

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Gentle has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Gentle

A person named Gentle most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Gentle — Diane
One couple
Gentle — Jacqualine
One couple
Gentle — Kathryn
One couple
Gentle — Mary
One couple
Gentle — Stephanie
One couple

Persons named Gentle

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Gentle Anderson
Four persons
Gentle Arnez
Seven persons
Gentle Baker
Two persons
Gentle Barnett
Two persons
Gentle Blaize
Two persons
Gentle Campbell
Three persons
Gentle Care
Nine persons
Gentle Chikani
Two persons
Gentle Clark
Four persons
Gentle Cooley
Two persons
Gentle Culpepper
Two persons
Gentle Daniels
Five persons
Gentle Davis
Two persons
Gentle Debose
Two persons
Gentle Dental
Three persons
Gentle Dentistry
Seven persons
Gentle Dhawan
Three persons
Gentle Edwards
Two persons
Gentle Erby
Two persons
Gentle Floyd
Three persons
Gentle Fritz
Three persons
Gentle Gennett
Three persons
Gentle Groover
Four persons
Gentle Hamilton
Three persons
Gentle Hands
Five persons
Gentle Harrison
Three persons
Gentle Hodges
Two persons
Gentle Jackson
Four persons
Gentle Johnson
Eight persons
Gentle Jones
Eight persons
Gentle Kimble
Four persons
Gentle Lee
Four persons
Gentle Little
Two persons
Gentle Lugtu
Five persons
Gentle Minggie
Two persons
Gentle Nettles
Two persons
Gentle Pitts
Two persons
Gentle Raines
Four persons
Gentle Rainey
Two persons
Gentle Robinson
One person
Gentle Rowser
Two persons
Gentle Short
Two persons
Gentle Sigrah
One person
Gentle Smith
Two persons
Gentle Stables
Two persons
Gentle Touch
Two persons
Gentle Walker
Two persons
Gentle Walkin
Four persons
Gentle Watson
Three persons
Gentle Winter
Three persons