Fatime Name Popularity

Fatime is the 12063th most popular baby name among girls now, according to ssa.gov (the Social Security Administration). Fatime was most popular in 1999, when this name was given to one newborn babies (0.00128750% of total births) — ranked 6402 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Matthew, Jacob. Emily, Hannah, Alexis are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Fatime appears in the SSA records is 1928.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Fatima, Fatme, Fatma

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Fatime has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Fatime

A person named Fatime most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Fatime — Adem
One couple
Fatime — Arthur
One couple
Fatime — Guilherme
One couple
Fatime — Lek
One couple
Fatime — Naji
One couple

Persons named Fatime

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Fatime Abbiss
Two persons
Fatime Afezolli
One person
Fatime Aliaj
Two persons
Fatime Ameti
Three persons
Fatime Banushi
Two persons
Fatime Bogdani
Two persons
Fatime Bruncaj
Two persons
Fatime Buliqi
Two persons
Fatime Cakolli
Two persons
Fatime Canko
Two persons
Fatime Canolli
One person
Fatime Destani
Two persons
Fatime Doczi
Two persons
Fatime Gjeloshi
Two persons
Fatime Gomis
Two persons
Fatime Gorenca
One person
Fatime Hakim
Two persons
Fatime Hasan
Two persons
Fatime Hassan
Two persons
Fatime Jashari
Two persons
Fatime Kacic
Three persons
Fatime Kadi
Three persons
Fatime Kanacevic
Two persons
Fatime Karadag
Two persons
Fatime Kulla
Two persons
Fatime Lajqi
Four persons
Fatime Lala
Two persons
Fatime Latifi
Two persons
Fatime Lawson
Two persons
Fatime Mbengue
Two persons
Fatime Miracola
Three persons
Fatime Nabhan
Three persons
Fatime Ndiaye
Five persons
Fatime Perezic
Two persons
Fatime Podvorica
Two persons
Fatime Saleh
Three persons
Fatime Sejfulai
Two persons
Fatime Selmani
Two persons
Fatime Shehu
Two persons
Fatime Sidani
Two persons
Fatime Syla
Two persons
Fatime Tahiri
Two persons
Fatime Tushe
Three persons
Fatime Veliaj
Two persons
Fatime Veseli
Three persons
Fatime Zogolo
Two persons