Ericha Name Popularity

Ericha is the 12108th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Ericha was most popular in 1999, when this name was given to one newborn babies (0.00128750% of total births) — ranked 6080 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Matthew, Jacob. Emily, Hannah, Alexis are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Ericha appears in the SSA records is 1942.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Erica, Ericka, Eric, Erich, Erika, Erick

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Ericha has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Ericha

A person named Ericha most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Ericha — Aaron
Two couples
Ericha — Adam
One couple
Ericha — Andrew
One couple
Ericha — Anthony
One couple
Ericha — Darryl
One couple
Ericha — Frances
One couple
Ericha — Keith
One couple
Ericha — Martin
One couple
Ericha — Marty
One couple
Ericha — Robert
One couple
Ericha — Wiener
One couple

Persons named Ericha

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Ericha Ayres
Three persons
Ericha Baker
Three persons
Ericha Bhatia
Three persons
Ericha Brannon
Two persons
Ericha Brown
Three persons
Ericha Butler
Two persons
Ericha Campbell
Two persons
Ericha Caulkins
Two persons
Ericha Cloud
Two persons
Ericha Davis
Three persons
Ericha Doubles
Three persons
Ericha Floyd
Two persons
Ericha Guzzetti
Two persons
Ericha Hager
Three persons
Ericha Hutson
Three persons
Ericha Jacobsen
Two persons
Ericha Johnson
Two persons
Ericha Joy
Two persons
Ericha Krauth
Two persons
Ericha Kruck
Two persons
Ericha Laymon
Two persons
Ericha Lichter
Two persons
Ericha Loch
Four persons
Ericha Loosbrock
Four persons
Ericha Oberg
Two persons
Ericha Proctor
Two persons
Ericha Puhr
Two persons
Ericha Richards
One person
Ericha Roberts
Two persons
Ericha Roeder
Two persons
Ericha Schmidt
Five persons
Ericha Scott
Three persons
Ericha Sebree
One person
Ericha Smith
Seven persons
Ericha Spaur
Two persons
Ericha Stearns
Two persons
Ericha Tullier
One person
Ericha Webb
Five persons
Ericha Weber
Two persons
Ericha Weberg
Three persons
Ericha Wilk
One person
Ericha Williams
Two persons
Ericha Wilson
Four persons
Ericha Wood
Two persons