Alisyn Name Popularity

Alisyn is the 12111th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Alisyn was most popular in 1994, when this name was given to eleven newborn babies (0.00176834% of total births) — ranked 3319 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Christopher, Matthew. Ashley, Jessica, Emily are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Alisyn appears in the SSA records is 1941.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Allison, Alyson, Alison, Allisyn, Ali

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Alisyn has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Alisyn

A person named Alisyn most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Alisyn — Eric
Two couples
Alisyn — Andrew
One couple
Alisyn — Arthur
One couple
Alisyn — Beach
One couple
Alisyn — David
One couple
Alisyn — Edwin
One couple
Alisyn — Jared
One couple
Alisyn — Justin
One couple
Alisyn — Ryan
One couple
Alisyn — Teresa
One couple
Alisyn — Thadd
One couple
Alisyn — Travis
One couple

Persons named Alisyn

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Alisyn Alling
Two persons
Alisyn Barrial
Four persons
Alisyn Bastain
Three persons
Alisyn Bechtel
Two persons
Alisyn Bell
Three persons
Alisyn Blake
Two persons
Alisyn Boone
Two persons
Alisyn Bowen
One person
Alisyn Busico
Two persons
Alisyn Chamberlain
Three persons
Alisyn Clayman
Two persons
Alisyn Crawford
Three persons
Alisyn Feeney
Two persons
Alisyn Freundt
Two persons
Alisyn Gaffney
Two persons
Alisyn Guest
Two persons
Alisyn Gularte
Two persons
Alisyn Henry
Two persons
Alisyn Intrieri
Two persons
Alisyn Johnson
Five persons
Alisyn Karwoski
Two persons
Alisyn Mccabe
Two persons
Alisyn Morris
Three persons
Alisyn Morrongiello
Three persons
Alisyn Murray
Two persons
Alisyn Olsovsky
Two persons
Alisyn Owen
Three persons
Alisyn Palla
Two persons
Alisyn Ray
Three persons
Alisyn Rogerson
Two persons
Alisyn Roth
Three persons
Alisyn Sanderson
Four persons
Alisyn Sarrett
Two persons
Alisyn Smith
Four persons
Alisyn Stuebner
Two persons
Alisyn Trani
Three persons
Alisyn Turley
Two persons
Alisyn Walsh
Three persons
Alisyn Wickerham
Two persons