Abbye Name Popularity

Abbye is the 12918th most popular baby name among girls now, according to (the Social Security Administration). Abbye was most popular in 1995, when this name was given to seven newborn babies (0.00137221% of total births) — ranked 3848 among girls names. The most popular baby boy names at that year were Michael, Christopher, Jacob. Ashley, Emily, Jessica are the top few names that were given to girls.

The first year that the name Abbye appears in the SSA records is 1920.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Abby, Abigail, Abbey

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Abbye has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Abbye

A person named Abbye most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Abbye — Jeffrey
Two couples
Abbye — Barry
One couple
Abbye — Darryl
One couple
Abbye — Eugene
One couple
Abbye — Henry
One couple
Abbye — Jacob
One couple
Abbye — John
One couple
Abbye — Michael
One couple
Abbye — Monica
One couple
Abbye — Robert
One couple
Abbye — Steven
One couple
Abbye — Tyler
One couple
Abbye — William
One couple

Persons named Abbye

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Abbye Allen
Three persons
Abbye Bemb
One person
Abbye Binger
Two persons
Abbye Bornt
Two persons
Abbye Bosses
One person
Abbye Bowdon
Two persons
Abbye Brenner
Two persons
Abbye Brown
Two persons
Abbye Burrage
Two persons
Abbye Buzza
Three persons
Abbye Carte
Two persons
Abbye Dorn
Two persons
Abbye Ethridge
Three persons
Abbye Faurot
Two persons
Abbye Floystad
Two persons
Abbye Freiman
Two persons
Abbye Goodling
Three persons
Abbye Grubb
Four persons
Abbye Hannie
Two persons
Abbye Jones
Two persons
Abbye King
Two persons
Abbye Kopriva
Two persons
Abbye Mcmillin
Two persons
Abbye Miller
Two persons
Abbye Perlman
Two persons
Abbye Pourcho
Three persons
Abbye Pritchett
Two persons
Abbye Richner
Three persons
Abbye Robinson
Two persons
Abbye Sheltzer
Three persons
Abbye Silcox
Two persons
Abbye Silva
Two persons
Abbye Silver
Two persons
Abbye Solis
Two persons
Abbye Stein
Two persons
Abbye Warren
Two persons
Abbye Weingram
Two persons
Abbye Weisman
Two persons
Abbye Williams
Two persons
Abbye Wilson
Two persons
Abbye Yrizarry
One person