Female names that start with R

We’ve collected 74,631 unique first names in our dataset, including 27,430 girl names. We’ve put together a list of girls name ideas sorted alphabetically to help you pick a name for your little princes. Additional information may be found on the list of the most popular babygirl names by year. You can find an alphabetical list of girls names on our site.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Reynelda — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1981, five baby was named Reynell — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Reyonna — the highest number for this name.
There are 106 people with this name. In 1932, three baby was named Rhae — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Rhana — the highest number for this name.
There are 121 people with this name. In 1950, six baby was named Rhanda — the highest number for this name.
There are 106 people with this name. In 1990, nine baby was named Rhandi — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rhapsody — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rhaven — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1980, six baby was named Rhawnie — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Rhaya — the highest number for this name.
There are 6,380 people with this name. In 1915, one babies were named Rhea — the highest number for this name.
There are 49 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rheagan — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1983, six baby was named Rhealyn — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rhealynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 73 people with this name. In 1995, six baby was named Rheana — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rheann — the highest number for this name.
There are 415 people with this name. In 1998, eleven baby was named Rheanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 68 people with this name. In 1994, three baby was named Rheanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 173 people with this name. In 1998, five baby was named Rheannon — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rheanon — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1934, two baby was named Rheata — the highest number for this name.
There are 439 people with this name. In 1922, eight baby was named Rheba — the highest number for this name.
There are 157 people with this name. In 1933, nine baby was named Rheda — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1935, five baby was named Rheeta — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Rhegan — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1933, three baby was named Rhelda — the highest number for this name.
There are 123 people with this name. In 1987, nine baby was named Rhema — the highest number for this name.
There are 177 people with this name. In 1930, four baby was named Rhena — the highest number for this name.
There are 165 people with this name. In 1964, thirteen baby was named Rhenda — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1995, one babies were named Rhenn — the highest number for this name.
There are 169 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Rhesa — the highest number for this name.
There are 648 people with this name. In 1934, 84 baby was named Rheta — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1928, one babies were named Rhetha — the highest number for this name.
There are 325 people with this name. In 1933, seven baby was named Rhetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1936, five baby was named Rheva — the highest number for this name.
There are 101 people with this name. In 1976, six baby was named Rhia — the highest number for this name.
There are 191 people with this name. In 1998, six baby was named Rhian — the highest number for this name.
There are 272 people with this name. In 1976, 26 baby was named Rhiana — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rhiann — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,082 people with this name. In 2000, four baby was named Rhianna — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Rhiannah — the highest number for this name.
There are 71 people with this name. In 1997, five baby was named Rhiannan — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rhianne — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rhiannen — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,346 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Rhiannon — the highest number for this name.
There are 146 people with this name. In 1985, fourteen baby was named Rhianon — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rhiley — the highest number for this name.
There are 659 people with this name. In 1977, 28 baby was named Rhina — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1971, five baby was named Rhinda — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1957, two baby was named Rhnea — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1962, two baby was named Rhochelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 10,260 people with this name. In 1916, one babies were named Rhoda — the highest number for this name.
There are 167 people with this name. In 1996, four baby was named Rhode — the highest number for this name.
There are 30 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rhodella — the highest number for this name.
There are 41 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Rhodena — the highest number for this name.
There are 92 people with this name. In 1976, nine baby was named Rhodesia — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1937, four baby was named Rhodia — the highest number for this name.
There are 75 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Rhodie — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1936, three baby was named Rhodonna — the highest number for this name.
There are 705 people with this name. In 1971, 44 baby was named Rhodora — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1930, two baby was named Rhoena — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,619 people with this name. In 1951, 77 baby was named Rhona — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1932, one babies were named Rhond — the highest number for this name.
There are 148,304 people with this name. In 1965, 7,901 baby was named Rhonda — the highest number for this name.
There are 144 people with this name. In 1974, eleven baby was named Rhondalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 58 people with this name. In 1946, seven baby was named Rhondda — the highest number for this name.
There are 102 people with this name. In 1969, eight baby was named Rhondi — the highest number for this name.
There are 42 people with this name. In 1967, six baby was named Rhondia — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rhonesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 86 people with this name. In 1962, seven baby was named Rhoni — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1991, four baby was named Rhonisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 162 people with this name. In 1955, ten baby was named Rhonna — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1928, two baby was named Rhudine — the highest number for this name.
There are 68 people with this name. In 1952, seven baby was named Rhunette — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1997, three baby was named Rhya — the highest number for this name.
There are 395 people with this name. In 1999, five baby was named Rhyan — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rhyann — the highest number for this name.
There are 42 people with this name. In 1994, six baby was named Rhyanna — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1988, five baby was named Rhyanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rhyannon — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rhyen — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,491 people with this name. In 2000, two baby was named Ria — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Riah — the highest number for this name.
There are 434 people with this name. In 1998, sixteen baby was named Riana — the highest number for this name.
There are 193 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Riane — the highest number for this name.
There are 217 people with this name. In 1977, 60 baby was named Riann — the highest number for this name.
There are 493 people with this name. In 1999, fifteen baby was named Rianna — the highest number for this name.
There are 268 people with this name. In 1993, 25 baby was named Rianne — the highest number for this name.
There are 75 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Riannon — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rianon — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rias — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Riata — the highest number for this name.
There are 609 people with this name. In 1977, 20 baby was named Rica — the highest number for this name.
There are 796 people with this name. In 1921, five baby was named Ricarda — the highest number for this name.
There are 101 people with this name. In 1991, nine baby was named Ricca — the highest number for this name.
There are 482 people with this name. In 2000, two baby was named Richa — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1990, three baby was named Richae — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1975, five baby was named Richael — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1994, one babies were named Richana — the highest number for this name.
There are 62 people with this name. In 1983, six baby was named Richanda — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1993, two baby was named Richara — the highest number for this name.
There are 130 people with this name. In 1933, four baby was named Richarda — the highest number for this name.
There are 67 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Richardean — the highest number for this name.
There are 93 people with this name. In 1941, six baby was named Richardine — the highest number for this name.
There are 198 people with this name. In 1976, twelve baby was named Richel — the highest number for this name.
There are 573 people with this name. In 1969, 31 baby was named Richele — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1996, five baby was named Richell — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1976, four baby was named Richella — the highest number for this name.
There are 5,193 people with this name. In 1972, 215 baby was named Richelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 67 people with this name. In 1977, four baby was named Richenda — the highest number for this name.
There are 187 people with this name. In 1943, six baby was named Richetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1984, four baby was named Richette — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1982, four baby was named Richia — the highest number for this name.
There are 66 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Richlyn — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1958, two baby was named Richlynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 45 people with this name. In 1987, three baby was named Rici — the highest number for this name.
There are 71 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ricia — the highest number for this name.
There are 127 people with this name. In 1949, nine baby was named Ricka — the highest number for this name.
There are 39 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rickea — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1992, two baby was named Rickeeta — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1994, four baby was named Rickeisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1994, three baby was named Rickel — the highest number for this name.
There are 69 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rickell — the highest number for this name.
There are 107 people with this name. In 1991, seven baby was named Rickelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1982, seven baby was named Rickesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1988, four baby was named Rickeshia — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1989, four baby was named Ricketa — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1992, five baby was named Ricketta — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1997, four baby was named Rickeya — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,326 people with this name. In 1953, 155 baby was named Ricki — the highest number for this name.
There are 126 people with this name. In 1997, ten baby was named Rickia — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1983, four baby was named Rickiesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 39 people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Rickisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 81 people with this name. In 1990, nine baby was named Rickita — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Rickiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1987, four baby was named Rickki — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1989, three baby was named Rickya — the highest number for this name.
There are 66 people with this name. In 1995, four baby was named Ricole — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ricquel — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1985, three baby was named Ricquita — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1984, four baby was named Rictoria — the highest number for this name.
There are 257 people with this name. In 1998, eight baby was named Rida — the highest number for this name.
There are 118 people with this name. In 1994, seven baby was named Riddhi — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1973, five baby was named Ridha — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1992, three baby was named Ridhi — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1981, four baby was named Ridhima — the highest number for this name.
There are 374 people with this name. In 1967, 31 baby was named Rie — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rieanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1996, four baby was named Rieley — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rielle — the highest number for this name.
There are 55 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Rielly — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1998, four baby was named Riely — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1925, three baby was named Riena — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rienna — the highest number for this name.
There are 55 people with this name. In 1989, four baby was named Riesa — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1925, two baby was named Riesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 65 people with this name. In 1934, four baby was named Rieta — the highest number for this name.
There are 65 people with this name. In 1945, five baby was named Rietta — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rifa — the highest number for this name.
There are 305 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rifka — the highest number for this name.
There are 114 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rifky — the highest number for this name.
There are 60 people with this name. In 1971, five baby was named Rigina — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Riha — the highest number for this name.
There are 112 people with this name. In 1971, seven baby was named Rihab — the highest number for this name.
There are 101 people with this name. In 1991, six baby was named Riham — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Rihana — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1995, one babies were named Rihanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Riho — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rija — the highest number for this name.
There are 499 people with this name. In 1967, 22 baby was named Rika — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1990, two baby was named Rikako — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rikayla — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1992, two baby was named Rikeisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rikesha — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1987, two baby was named Riketa — the highest number for this name.
There are 841 people with this name. In 1984, 30 baby was named Riki — the highest number for this name.
There are 60 people with this name. In 1993, six baby was named Rikia — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Rikisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 57 people with this name. In 1991, five baby was named Rikita — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1979, five baby was named Rikiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 74 people with this name. In 1973, six baby was named Rikka — the highest number for this name.
There are 88 people with this name. In 1966, thirteen baby was named Rikke — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,253 people with this name. In 1994, 104 baby was named Rikki — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1996, six baby was named Rikkia — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1992, two baby was named Rikkie — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1987, six baby was named Rikkita — the highest number for this name.
There are 62 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Riko — the highest number for this name.
There are 152 people with this name. In 1923, five baby was named Rilda — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rilea — the highest number for this name.
There are 114 people with this name. In 2000, three baby was named Rilee — the highest number for this name.
There are 84 people with this name. In 1999, three baby was named Rileigh — the highest number for this name.
There are 12,762 people with this name. In 2001, eleven baby was named Riley — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Rilie — the highest number for this name.
There are 574 people with this name. In 1929, sixteen baby was named Rilla — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Rillia — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1930, three baby was named Rillie — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Rilma — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Rily — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rilyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 155 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rim — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,129 people with this name. In 1972, 83 baby was named Rima — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1977, six baby was named Rimi — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Rimsha — the highest number for this name.
There are 150 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Rin — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,607 people with this name. In 1967, 158 baby was named Rina — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Rinad — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1935, two baby was named Rinah — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1980, six baby was named Rinata — the highest number for this name.
There are 536 people with this name. In 1954, 28 baby was named Rinda — the highest number for this name.
There are 97 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rindi — the highest number for this name.
There are 164 people with this name. In 1982, eight baby was named Rindy — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Rinesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1930, three baby was named Rinette — the highest number for this name.
There are 139 people with this name. In 1925, two baby was named Rini — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1981, three baby was named Rinka — the highest number for this name.
There are 65 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rinna — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Rinnah — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Riona — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rionna — the highest number for this name.
There are 143 people with this name. In 1997, six baby was named Ripley — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1992, three baby was named Riquel — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1973, seven baby was named Riqui — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,798 people with this name. In 1966, 118 baby was named Risa — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Risako — the highest number for this name.
There are 813 people with this name. In 1952, 51 baby was named Rise — the highest number for this name.
There are 328 people with this name. In 1979, 30 baby was named Risha — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Rishika — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rishita — the highest number for this name.
There are 48 people with this name. In 1990, four baby was named Rishona — the highest number for this name.
There are 267 people with this name. In 1982, fourteen baby was named Rissa — the highest number for this name.
There are 42 people with this name. In 1928, two baby was named Rissie — the highest number for this name.
There are four people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Risten — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1978, two baby was named Ristin — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1957, three baby was named Ristina — the highest number for this name.
There are 166,956 people with this name. In 1914, two baby was named Rita — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Ritaann — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1931, one babies were named Rital — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1929, four baby was named Ritamae — the highest number for this name.
There are 144 people with this name. In 1927, four baby was named Ritamarie — the highest number for this name.
There are 230 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Ritha — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1995, one babies were named Rithi — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1990, three baby was named Rithika — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Riti — the highest number for this name.
There are 147 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ritika — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Ritisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 282 people with this name. In 1935, eleven baby was named Ritsuko — the highest number for this name.
There are 181 people with this name. In 1936, six baby was named Ritta — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rittie — the highest number for this name.
There are 968 people with this name. In 1970, 75 baby was named Ritu — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1929, one babies were named Ritzy — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1994, one babies were named Riuka — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,006 people with this name. In 1923, fifteen baby was named Riva — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1993, two baby was named Riven — the highest number for this name.
There are 528 people with this name. In 1967, 26 baby was named Rivera — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1996, one babies were named Rivi — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Rivian — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1992, five baby was named Riviera — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,202 people with this name. In 1995, 33 baby was named Rivka — the highest number for this name.
There are 343 people with this name. In 1989, eighteen baby was named Rivkah — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1985, three baby was named Rivki — the highest number for this name.
There are 354 people with this name. In 1997, thirteen baby was named Rivky — the highest number for this name.
There are 127 people with this name. In 1999, eight baby was named Riya — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Riyah — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Riyana — the highest number for this name.
There are 413 people with this name. In 1970, 30 baby was named Riza — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1992, five baby was named Rizelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 325 people with this name. In 1974, fourteen baby was named Rizwana — the highest number for this name.
There are 169 people with this name. In 1971, nineteen baby was named Rizza — the highest number for this name.
There are 50 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Roa — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Roaa — the highest number for this name.
There are four people with this name. In 1938, one babies were named Roah — the highest number for this name.
There are 225 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Roann — the highest number for this name.
There are 318 people with this name. In 1964, sixteen baby was named Roanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 370 people with this name. In 1954, 21 baby was named Roanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 87 people with this name. In 1926, four baby was named Roba — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1928, one babies were named Robann — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,156 people with this name. In 1965, 46 baby was named Robbi — the highest number for this name.
There are 19,380 people with this name. In 1918, two baby was named Robbie — the highest number for this name.
There are 7,051 people with this name. In 1959, 504 baby was named Robbin — the highest number for this name.
There are 300 people with this name. In 1917, one babies were named Robbye — the highest number for this name.
There are 792 people with this name. In 1951, 34 baby was named Robbyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 105 people with this name. In 1979, eight baby was named Robecca — the highest number for this name.
There are 404 people with this name. In 1957, 23 baby was named Roben — the highest number for this name.
There are 195 people with this name. In 1920, four baby was named Robena — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Robenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 97,409 people with this name. In 1936, 1,948 baby was named Roberta — the highest number for this name.
There are 222 people with this name. In 1930, six baby was named Robertha — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Robertia — the highest number for this name.
There are 204 people with this name. In 1927, four baby was named Robertina — the highest number for this name.
There are 163 people with this name. In 1920, four baby was named Robertine — the highest number for this name.
There are 118 people with this name. In 1944, five baby was named Robertta — the highest number for this name.
There are 50 people with this name. In 1947, five baby was named Robette — the highest number for this name.
There are 393 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Robi — the highest number for this name.
There are 72 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Robia — the highest number for this name.
There are 239,353 people with this name. In 1961, 12,876 baby was named Robin — the highest number for this name.
There are 671 people with this name. In 1966, 27 baby was named Robina — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1964, five baby was named Robinann — the highest number for this name.
There are 96 people with this name. In 1971, seven baby was named Robine — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Robinetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 506 people with this name. In 1922, four baby was named Robinette — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Robinique — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1960, eight baby was named Robinn — the highest number for this name.
There are 87 people with this name. In 1954, seven baby was named Roblyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 45,309 people with this name. In 1973, 1,378 baby was named Robyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 561 people with this name. In 1962, 29 baby was named Robyne — the highest number for this name.
There are 741 people with this name. In 1979, 32 baby was named Robynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 313 people with this name. In 1968, 26 baby was named Robynne — the highest number for this name.
There are 127 people with this name. In 1925, three baby was named Rocelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1967, five baby was named Rocelyn — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1975, two baby was named Rochan — the highest number for this name.
There are 64 people with this name. In 1975, seven baby was named Rochanda — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1982, three baby was named Rocheal — the highest number for this name.
There are 864 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rochel — the highest number for this name.
There are 366 people with this name. In 1970, 21 baby was named Rochele — the highest number for this name.
There are 728 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rochell — the highest number for this name.
There are 195 people with this name. In 1939, five baby was named Rochella — the highest number for this name.
There are 31,630 people with this name. In 1916, one babies were named Rochelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 43 people with this name. In 1994, three baby was named Rochelly — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Rochely — the highest number for this name.
There are 12,505 people with this name. In 1975, 644 baby was named Rocio — the highest number for this name.
There are 110 people with this name. In 1989, eight baby was named Rockell — the highest number for this name.
There are 94 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rockelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 60 people with this name. In 1956, four baby was named Rocki — the highest number for this name.
There are 113 people with this name. In 1955, nine baby was named Rocklyn — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1956, two baby was named Rocklynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1972, eight baby was named Rocquel — the highest number for this name.
There are 237 people with this name. In 1949, ten baby was named Roda — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rodaina — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Rodas — the highest number for this name.
There are 75 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rodella — the highest number for this name.
There are 77 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rodena — the highest number for this name.
There are 89 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roderica — the highest number for this name.
There are 39 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rodericka — the highest number for this name.
There are 79 people with this name. In 1936, ten baby was named Rodessa — the highest number for this name.
There are 69 people with this name. In 1924, two baby was named Rodie — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1943, three baby was named Rodina — the highest number for this name.
There are 85 people with this name. In 1941, four baby was named Rodna — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1995, five baby was named Rodneisha — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rodneka — the highest number for this name.
There are 58 people with this name. In 1995, nine baby was named Rodnesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1991, nine baby was named Rodneshia — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rodneysha — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rodnika — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1993, six baby was named Rodnisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1937, three baby was named Rodonna — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Rodrica — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rodricka — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rodrika — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1936, two baby was named Roeberta — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roechelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 331 people with this name. In 1920, six baby was named Roena — the highest number for this name.
There are 56 people with this name. In 1916, one babies were named Roene — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1925, one babies were named Roenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 60 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Roetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 594 people with this name. In 1920, four baby was named Rogelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 216 people with this name. In 1960, 26 baby was named Rogena — the highest number for this name.
There are 479 people with this name. In 1926, thirteen baby was named Rogene — the highest number for this name.
There are 116 people with this name. In 1948, eight baby was named Rogenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 152 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rogina — the highest number for this name.
There are 115 people with this name. In 1933, three baby was named Rogue — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1995, one babies were named Roha — the highest number for this name.
There are 60 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rohana — the highest number for this name.
There are 658 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Rohini — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rohma — the highest number for this name.
There are 58 people with this name. In 1955, seven baby was named Rohnda — the highest number for this name.
There are 47 people with this name. In 1966, six baby was named Roiann — the highest number for this name.
There are 56 people with this name. In 1968, five baby was named Roianne — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Roine — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Roise — the highest number for this name.
There are 237 people with this name. In 1995, eight baby was named Roisin — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roiza — the highest number for this name.
There are 45 people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Roizy — the highest number for this name.
There are 165 people with this name. In 1940, eight baby was named Rojean — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1970, four baby was named Rokaya — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1982, four baby was named Rokeisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1988, four baby was named Rokesha — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rokeshia — the highest number for this name.
There are 230 people with this name. In 1964, thirteen baby was named Rokeya — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Rokhaya — the highest number for this name.
There are 30 people with this name. In 1993, five baby was named Rokia — the highest number for this name.
There are five people with this name. In 1991, one babies were named Rokiatou — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1975, six baby was named Rokisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 140 people with this name. In 1985, eight baby was named Roksana — the highest number for this name.
There are 443 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rola — the highest number for this name.
There are 79 people with this name. In 1922, three baby was named Rolaine — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,251 people with this name. In 1971, 146 baby was named Rolanda — the highest number for this name.
There are 631 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rolande — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1948, twelve baby was named Rolayne — the highest number for this name.
There are 90 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rolena — the highest number for this name.
There are 239 people with this name. In 1937, seven baby was named Rolene — the highest number for this name.
There are 360 people with this name. In 1958, sixteen baby was named Rolinda — the highest number for this name.
There are 75 people with this name. In 1930, three baby was named Roline — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Rolisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 118 people with this name. In 1924, six baby was named Rollande — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Rollene — the highest number for this name.
There are 287 people with this name. In 1994, eighteen baby was named Rolonda — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1979, four baby was named Rolunda — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,362 people with this name. In 1914, one babies were named Roma — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,635 people with this name. In 1929, 40 baby was named Romaine — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Romalda — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,552 people with this name. In 1940, 39 baby was named Romana — the highest number for this name.
There are 103 people with this name. In 1971, nine baby was named Romanda — the highest number for this name.
There are 75 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Romania — the highest number for this name.
There are 142 people with this name. In 1934, five baby was named Romanita — the highest number for this name.
There are 493 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Romayne — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Romee — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1977, eight baby was named Romeka — the highest number for this name.
There are 86 people with this name. In 1930, four baby was named Romelda — the highest number for this name.
There are three people with this name. In 1938, one babies were named Romeli — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,752 people with this name. In 1933, 27 baby was named Romelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 77 people with this name. In 1971, eight baby was named Romella — the highest number for this name.
There are 300 people with this name. In 1935, fourteen baby was named Romelle — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Romely — the highest number for this name.
There are 43 people with this name. In 1997, three baby was named Romesha — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1989, two baby was named Romeshia — the highest number for this name.
There are 47 people with this name. In 1933, three baby was named Rometta — the highest number for this name.
There are 335 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Romi — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1993, four baby was named Romia — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1980, two baby was named Romiah — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Romika — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1972, three baby was named Romila — the highest number for this name.
There are 243 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Romilda — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1941, two baby was named Romilly — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,162 people with this name. In 1999, six baby was named Romina — the highest number for this name.
There are 50 people with this name. In 1981, six baby was named Romita — the highest number for this name.
There are 77 people with this name. In 1922, three baby was named Romola — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,269 people with this name. In 1928, 29 baby was named Romona — the highest number for this name.
There are 81 people with this name. In 1968, eight baby was named Romonda — the highest number for this name.
There are 108 people with this name. In 1986, six baby was named Romonia — the highest number for this name.
There are 49 people with this name. In 1976, nine baby was named Romonica — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1968, twelve baby was named Romunda — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,208 people with this name. In 1964, 84 baby was named Romy — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1992, two baby was named Romyna — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,125 people with this name. In 1942, 95 baby was named Rona — the highest number for this name.
There are 58 people with this name. In 1980, fifteen baby was named Ronada — the highest number for this name.
There are 110 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Ronae — the highest number for this name.
There are 81 people with this name. In 1940, four baby was named Ronaele — the highest number for this name.
There are 233 people with this name. In 1939, five baby was named Ronalda — the highest number for this name.
There are 200 people with this name. In 1936, four baby was named Ronalee — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1946, five baby was named Ronalie — the highest number for this name.
There are 135 people with this name. In 1976, eight baby was named Ronalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Ronasia — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1980, eight baby was named Ronata — the highest number for this name.
There are 23,675 people with this name. In 1965, 1,361 baby was named Ronda — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1957, four baby was named Rondallyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 158 people with this name. In 1983, six baby was named Rondalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 50 people with this name. In 1976, five baby was named Rondee — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1968, three baby was named Rondella — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1979, seven baby was named Rondelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 491 people with this name. In 1952, 25 baby was named Rondi — the highest number for this name.
There are 70 people with this name. In 1969, six baby was named Rondia — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1990, four baby was named Ronea — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1989, seven baby was named Ronecia — the highest number for this name.
There are 281 people with this name. In 1976, twelve baby was named Ronee — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1992, two baby was named Roneesha — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Roneika — the highest number for this name.
There are 202 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Roneisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 69 people with this name. In 1997, two baby was named Roneka — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1976, two baby was named Ronekia — the highest number for this name.
There are 55 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Ronelda — the highest number for this name.
There are 115 people with this name. In 1928, three baby was named Ronella — the highest number for this name.
There are 487 people with this name. In 1966, 23 baby was named Ronelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 211 people with this name. In 1998, nine baby was named Ronesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 94 people with this name. In 1993, nine baby was named Roneshia — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ronesia — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ronessa — the highest number for this name.
There are 450 people with this name. In 1968, 24 baby was named Ronetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 672 people with this name. In 1967, 43 baby was named Ronette — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,546 people with this name. In 1955, 242 baby was named Roni — the highest number for this name.
There are 115 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Ronia — the highest number for this name.
There are 703 people with this name. In 1977, 33 baby was named Ronica — the highest number for this name.
There are 79 people with this name. In 1973, five baby was named Ronice — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1997, three baby was named Ronicia — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ronicka — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Roniece — the highest number for this name.
There are 62 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roniesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 237 people with this name. In 1987, twelve baby was named Ronika — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Roniqua — the highest number for this name.
There are 197 people with this name. In 1996, seven baby was named Ronique — the highest number for this name.
There are 103 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Ronise — the highest number for this name.
There are 494 people with this name. In 1992, 47 baby was named Ronisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Ronishia — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1967, four baby was named Ronisue — the highest number for this name.
There are 467 people with this name. In 1974, 20 baby was named Ronita — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1970, four baby was named Ronja — the highest number for this name.
There are 80 people with this name. In 1973, five baby was named Ronke — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,398 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Ronna — the highest number for this name.
There are 50 people with this name. In 1994, five baby was named Ronnae — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1956, six baby was named Ronnah — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1996, one babies were named Ronnay — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1966, four baby was named Ronnda — the highest number for this name.
There are 212 people with this name. In 1947, fourteen baby was named Ronne — the highest number for this name.
There are 96 people with this name. In 1945, nine baby was named Ronnee — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Ronneisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1991, three baby was named Ronneka — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1944, one babies were named Ronnella — the highest number for this name.
There are 108 people with this name. In 1992, eight baby was named Ronnelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 78 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ronnesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1995, four baby was named Ronneshia — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1987, two baby was named Ronnet — the highest number for this name.
There are 48 people with this name. In 1972, five baby was named Ronnett — the highest number for this name.
There are 251 people with this name. In 1972, sixteen baby was named Ronnetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 519 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Ronnette — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,086 people with this name. In 1999, seven baby was named Ronni — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Ronnia — the highest number for this name.
There are 91 people with this name. In 1976, twelve baby was named Ronnica — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Ronnice — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Ronniece — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ronniesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 56 people with this name. In 1985, six baby was named Ronnika — the highest number for this name.
There are 138 people with this name. In 1994, ten baby was named Ronnisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 101 people with this name. In 1979, eleven baby was named Ronnita — the highest number for this name.
There are 110 people with this name. In 1947, ten baby was named Ronnye — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Ronshay — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1990, two baby was named Rontavia — the highest number for this name.
There are 197 people with this name. In 1982, fourteen baby was named Ronya — the highest number for this name.
There are 57 people with this name. In 1981, seven baby was named Ronza — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1969, four baby was named Roo — the highest number for this name.
There are 136 people with this name. In 1963, eight baby was named Roohi — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1993, four baby was named Roop — the highest number for this name.
There are 375 people with this name. In 1973, 21 baby was named Roopa — the highest number for this name.
There are 66 people with this name. In 1974, seven baby was named Roopal — the highest number for this name.
There are 77 people with this name. In 1990, four baby was named Roquel — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1971, four baby was named Roree — the highest number for this name.
There are 591 people with this name. In 1969, 52 baby was named Rori — the highest number for this name.
There are 233 people with this name. In 1976, thirteen baby was named Rorie — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1948, four baby was named Rorrie — the highest number for this name.
There are 129,634 people with this name. In 1913, one babies were named Rosa — the highest number for this name.
There are 404 people with this name. In 1922, four baby was named Rosabel — the highest number for this name.
There are 88 people with this name. In 1926, three baby was named Rosabell — the highest number for this name.
There are 69 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rosabella — the highest number for this name.
There are 224 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rosabelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rosaelena — the highest number for this name.
There are 100 people with this name. In 1966, seven baby was named Rosaelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1967, three baby was named Rosaicela — the highest number for this name.
There are 198 people with this name. In 1971, fifteen baby was named Rosaida — the highest number for this name.
There are 133 people with this name. In 1998, five baby was named Rosaisela — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1939, two baby was named Rosala — the highest number for this name.
There are 262 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rosaland — the highest number for this name.
There are 6,658 people with this name. In 1970, 321 baby was named Rosalba — the highest number for this name.
There are 43 people with this name. In 1921, two baby was named Rosale — the highest number for this name.
There are 269 people with this name. In 1921, four baby was named Rosalea — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rosaleah — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1926, one babies were named Rosalean — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,869 people with this name. In 1938, 152 baby was named Rosalee — the highest number for this name.
There are 633 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Rosaleen — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1934, one babies were named Rosalei — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1920, two baby was named Rosaleigh — the highest number for this name.
There are 114 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rosalena — the highest number for this name.
There are 210 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rosalene — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rosaley — the highest number for this name.
There are 187 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Rosali — the highest number for this name.
There are 6,336 people with this name. In 1924, 46 baby was named Rosalia — the highest number for this name.
There are 31,307 people with this name. In 1913, one babies were named Rosalie — the highest number for this name.
There are 473 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Rosalin — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,632 people with this name. In 1919, two baby was named Rosalina — the highest number for this name.
There are 15,774 people with this name. In 1913, one babies were named Rosalind — the highest number for this name.
There are 11,749 people with this name. In 1951, 375 baby was named Rosalinda — the highest number for this name.
There are 174 people with this name. In 1930, five baby was named Rosalinde — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,723 people with this name. In 1915, one babies were named Rosaline — the highest number for this name.
There are 245 people with this name. In 1945, eighteen baby was named Rosalita — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1997, three baby was named Rosaliz — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1925, one babies were named Rosalla — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1934, one babies were named Rosalua — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,970 people with this name. In 1970, 195 baby was named Rosalva — the highest number for this name.
There are 251 people with this name. In 1997, five baby was named Rosaly — the highest number for this name.
There are 11,104 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Rosalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1979, three baby was named Rosalyna — the highest number for this name.
There are 187 people with this name. In 1922, three baby was named Rosalynd — the highest number for this name.
There are 78 people with this name. In 1981, six baby was named Rosalynda — the highest number for this name.
There are 97 people with this name. In 1938, four baby was named Rosalyne — the highest number for this name.
There are 824 people with this name. In 1977, 64 baby was named Rosalynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 71 people with this name. In 1936, three baby was named Rosalynne — the highest number for this name.
There are 37 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rosamae — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,140 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rosamaria — the highest number for this name.
There are 107 people with this name. In 1928, three baby was named Rosamarie — the highest number for this name.
There are 108 people with this name. In 1931, four baby was named Rosamary — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Rosamay — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,033 people with this name. In 1925, 38 baby was named Rosamond — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1924, one babies were named Rosamonde — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1920, two baby was named Rosamund — the highest number for this name.
There are 156 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rosan — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,663 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rosana — the highest number for this name.
There are 70 people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rosandra — the highest number for this name.
There are 235 people with this name. In 1964, sixteen baby was named Rosane — the highest number for this name.
There are 30 people with this name. In 1940, two baby was named Rosanell — the highest number for this name.
There are 152 people with this name. In 1971, 21 baby was named Rosangel — the highest number for this name.
There are 714 people with this name. In 1980, 39 baby was named Rosangela — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1993, 20 baby was named Rosangelica — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,921 people with this name. In 1943, 64 baby was named Rosann — the highest number for this name.
There are 9,241 people with this name. In 1914, one babies were named Rosanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 11,130 people with this name. In 1954, 614 baby was named Rosanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 93 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rosanny — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,227 people with this name. In 1923, 34 baby was named Rosaria — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rosarie — the highest number for this name.
There are 20,522 people with this name. In 1918, three baby was named Rosario — the highest number for this name.
There are 414 people with this name. In 1923, seven baby was named Rosary — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,149 people with this name. In 1967, 157 baby was named Rosaura — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rosaysela — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1973, five baby was named Roschell — the highest number for this name.
There are 183 people with this name. In 1921, two baby was named Roschelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 170,612 people with this name. In 2009, one babies were named Rose — the highest number for this name.
There are 102 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rosea — the highest number for this name.
There are 80 people with this name. In 1941, five baby was named Rosealee — the highest number for this name.
There are 91 people with this name. In 1938, five baby was named Rosealie — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rosealine — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rosealyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 125 people with this name. In 1951, seven baby was named Roseana — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1991, three baby was named Roseangela — the highest number for this name.
There are 12,838 people with this name. In 1943, 390 baby was named Roseann — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,953 people with this name. In 1950, 197 baby was named Roseanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 6,645 people with this name. In 1950, 226 baby was named Roseanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1927, three baby was named Rosebell — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1937, three baby was named Rosebella — the highest number for this name.
There are 39 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Rosebelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 194 people with this name. In 1921, five baby was named Rosebud — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1980, four baby was named Roseellen — the highest number for this name.
There are 226 people with this name. In 1919, two baby was named Rosel — the highest number for this name.
There are 202 people with this name. In 1925, three baby was named Rosela — the highest number for this name.
There are 113 people with this name. In 1933, three baby was named Roseland — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Roselani — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1934, three baby was named Roselea — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Roselean — the highest number for this name.
There are 460 people with this name. In 1927, ten baby was named Roselee — the highest number for this name.
There are 114 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Roseleen — the highest number for this name.
There are 45 people with this name. In 1938, two baby was named Roselena — the highest number for this name.
There are 349 people with this name. In 1960, 20 baby was named Roselene — the highest number for this name.
There are 170 people with this name. In 1959, thirteen baby was named Roseli — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,112 people with this name. In 1920, six baby was named Roselia — the highest number for this name.
There are 368 people with this name. In 1928, six baby was named Roselie — the highest number for this name.
There are 221 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Roselin — the highest number for this name.
There are 92 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Roselina — the highest number for this name.
There are 236 people with this name. In 1924, four baby was named Roselind — the highest number for this name.
There are 172 people with this name. In 1956, ten baby was named Roselinda — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,398 people with this name. In 1922, seven baby was named Roseline — the highest number for this name.
There are 128 people with this name. In 1920, three baby was named Rosell — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,163 people with this name. In 1915, two baby was named Rosella — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,122 people with this name. In 1915, one babies were named Roselle — the highest number for this name.
There are 515 people with this name. In 1925, eight baby was named Rosellen — the highest number for this name.
There are sixteen people with this name. In 1930, one babies were named Rosellie — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1928, three baby was named Roselma — the highest number for this name.
There are 223 people with this name. In 1998, three baby was named Rosely — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,824 people with this name. In 1922, 34 baby was named Roselyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 181 people with this name. In 1981, nine baby was named Roselyne — the highest number for this name.
There are 346 people with this name. In 1979, fourteen baby was named Roselynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 48 people with this name. In 1928, two baby was named Roselynne — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1930, six baby was named Rosemae — the highest number for this name.
There are 68 people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Rosemaire — the highest number for this name.
There are 490 people with this name. In 1930, eight baby was named Rosemari — the highest number for this name.
There are 208 people with this name. In 1960, sixteen baby was named Rosemaria — the highest number for this name.
There are 42,782 people with this name. In 2009, one babies were named Rosemarie — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1947, four baby was named Rosemarry — the highest number for this name.
There are 100,007 people with this name. In 1917, five baby was named Rosemary — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1932, four baby was named Rosemay — the highest number for this name.
There are 74 people with this name. In 1949, five baby was named Rosemery — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rosemma — the highest number for this name.
There are 371 people with this name. In 1923, six baby was named Rosemond — the highest number for this name.
There are 561 people with this name. In 1923, ten baby was named Rosena — the highest number for this name.
There are 689 people with this name. In 1950, 22 baby was named Rosenda — the highest number for this name.
There are 155 people with this name. In 1928, five baby was named Rosene — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1920, two baby was named Rosenell — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rosenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1945, two baby was named Rosenna — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roser — the highest number for this name.
There are 10,428 people with this name. In 1916, one babies were named Rosetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 994 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rosette — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Rosetter — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1929, one babies were named Rosettia — the highest number for this name.
There are 420 people with this name. In 1923, five baby was named Rosey — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1952, three baby was named Rosezanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rosezell — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1921, four baby was named Rosezella — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1929, two baby was named Rosezena — the highest number for this name.
There are 139 people with this name. In 1973, ten baby was named Rosezetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 62 people with this name. In 1922, three baby was named Rosezina — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1927, two baby was named Rosha — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1995, three baby was named Roshae — the highest number for this name.
There are 110 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roshana — the highest number for this name.
There are 562 people with this name. In 1976, 42 baby was named Roshanda — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1977, five baby was named Roshandra — the highest number for this name.
There are 115 people with this name. In 1983, eight baby was named Roshani — the highest number for this name.
There are 103 people with this name. In 1978, nine baby was named Roshanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1976, eight baby was named Roshanta — the highest number for this name.
There are 110 people with this name. In 1978, ten baby was named Roshaunda — the highest number for this name.
There are 51 people with this name. In 1994, three baby was named Roshawna — the highest number for this name.
There are 148 people with this name. In 1986, eleven baby was named Roshawnda — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1993, four baby was named Roshay — the highest number for this name.
There are 48 people with this name. In 1997, four baby was named Roshea — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1978, five baby was named Rosheda — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1987, three baby was named Rosheena — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1984, six baby was named Rosheka — the highest number for this name.
There are 352 people with this name. In 1996, five baby was named Roshell — the highest number for this name.
There are 513 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Roshelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1981, four baby was named Roshena — the highest number for this name.
There are 30 people with this name. In 1977, four baby was named Roshida — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1980, six baby was named Roshika — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1972, four baby was named Roshina — the highest number for this name.
There are 104 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Roshini — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1972, three baby was named Roshna — the highest number for this name.
There are 597 people with this name. In 1999, three baby was named Roshni — the highest number for this name.
There are 538 people with this name. In 1976, 38 baby was named Roshonda — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1981, five baby was named Roshondra — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Roshonna — the highest number for this name.
There are 287 people with this name. In 1974, 20 baby was named Roshunda — the highest number for this name.
There are 33 people with this name. In 1978, eight baby was named Roshundra — the highest number for this name.
There are 374 people with this name. In 1998, four baby was named Rosi — the highest number for this name.
There are 656 people with this name. In 1934, 24 baby was named Rosia — the highest number for this name.
There are 420 people with this name. In 1967, 25 baby was named Rosibel — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rosicela — the highest number for this name.
There are 22,299 people with this name. In 1919, eight baby was named Rosie — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1926, four baby was named Rosielee — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1933, three baby was named Rosietta — the highest number for this name.
There are 475 people with this name. In 1943, fifteen baby was named Rosiland — the highest number for this name.
There are 57 people with this name. In 1929, two baby was named Rosilda — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1938, four baby was named Rosilee — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1940, two baby was named Rosilind — the highest number for this name.
There are 386 people with this name. In 1937, thirteen baby was named Rosilyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1927, one babies were named Rosilynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,061 people with this name. In 1921, 44 baby was named Rosina — the highest number for this name.
There are 306 people with this name. In 1923, five baby was named Rosine — the highest number for this name.
There are 900 people with this name. In 1979, 54 baby was named Rosio — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1972, two baby was named Rosisela — the highest number for this name.
There are 5,316 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Rosita — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Rositta — the highest number for this name.
There are 176 people with this name. In 1975, eight baby was named Rosland — the highest number for this name.
There are 55 people with this name. In 1930, four baby was named Roslie — the highest number for this name.
There are 159 people with this name. In 1924, three baby was named Roslin — the highest number for this name.
There are 166 people with this name. In 1975, eight baby was named Roslind — the highest number for this name.
There are 9,118 people with this name. In 1918, two baby was named Roslyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 386 people with this name. In 1977, fifteen baby was named Roslynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 320 people with this name. In 1938, sixteen baby was named Rosmarie — the highest number for this name.
There are 220 people with this name. In 1928, four baby was named Rosmary — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rosmely — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rosmeri — the highest number for this name.
There are 280 people with this name. In 1992, fifteen baby was named Rosmery — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1927, four baby was named Rosolyn — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1967, two baby was named Rosonda — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1940, two baby was named Rossalind — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rossalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,792 people with this name. In 1964, 110 baby was named Rossana — the highest number for this name.
There are 204 people with this name. In 1956, twelve baby was named Rossanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 71 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rosse — the highest number for this name.
There are 136 people with this name. In 1965, eleven baby was named Rossella — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1979, five baby was named Rosselyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1921, two baby was named Rossetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 289 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rossi — the highest number for this name.
There are 557 people with this name. In 1931, fifteen baby was named Rossie — the highest number for this name.
There are 288 people with this name. In 1936, six baby was named Rosslyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 29 people with this name. In 1988, three baby was named Rosslynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rossmary — the highest number for this name.
There are 357 people with this name. In 1992, ten baby was named Rossy — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,169 people with this name. In 1970, 36 baby was named Rosy — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rosylin — the highest number for this name.
There are 90 people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Rosyln — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1923, two baby was named Roszella — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1960, five baby was named Roszetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1978, five baby was named Rotasha — the highest number for this name.
There are 78 people with this name. In 1990, six baby was named Rotem — the highest number for this name.
There are 143 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rotha — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1980, five baby was named Rotisha — the highest number for this name.
There are 45 people with this name. In 1974, five baby was named Rotonda — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1977, two baby was named Rotonia — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1972, five baby was named Rotonya — the highest number for this name.
There are 104 people with this name. In 1966, fourteen baby was named Rotunda — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1996, one babies were named Roua — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1969, four baby was named Rouchelle — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1937, one babies were named Rouguiatou — the highest number for this name.
There are 467 people with this name. In 1973, 33 baby was named Roula — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1964, two baby was named Rous — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rouse — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Rousse — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1983, two baby was named Roux — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1938, two baby was named Rovan — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1930, three baby was named Rovella — the highest number for this name.
There are 197 people with this name. In 1930, eight baby was named Rovena — the highest number for this name.
There are 76 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rovenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1928, two baby was named Roverta — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1921, two baby was named Rovilla — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rovina — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rowana — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1940, two baby was named Rowann — the highest number for this name.
There are 7,022 people with this name. In 1920, 34 baby was named Rowena — the highest number for this name.
There are 98 people with this name. In 1920, four baby was named Rowene — the highest number for this name.
There are 47 people with this name. In 1936, three baby was named Rowenna — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rowyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 171 people with this name. In 1950, fourteen baby was named Rox — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1927, three baby was named Roxa — the highest number for this name.
There are 349 people with this name. In 1956, nineteen baby was named Roxan — the highest number for this name.
There are 8,228 people with this name. In 1987, 194 baby was named Roxana — the highest number for this name.
There are 3,320 people with this name. In 1956, 196 baby was named Roxane — the highest number for this name.
There are 5,453 people with this name. In 1955, 281 baby was named Roxann — the highest number for this name.
There are 5,947 people with this name. In 1987, 112 baby was named Roxanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 39,435 people with this name. In 1954, 1,761 baby was named Roxanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 23 people with this name. In 1964, four baby was named Roxeann — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1982, three baby was named Roxeanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 119 people with this name. In 1940, seven baby was named Roxene — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Roxette — the highest number for this name.
There are 92 people with this name. In 1948, five baby was named Roxey — the highest number for this name.
There are 199 people with this name. In 1962, eleven baby was named Roxi — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1976, three baby was named Roxianne — the highest number for this name.
There are 4,902 people with this name. In 1920, 31 baby was named Roxie — the highest number for this name.
There are 182 people with this name. In 1934, seven baby was named Roxine — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Roxsana — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1979, four baby was named Roxsand — the highest number for this name.
There are 41 people with this name. In 1962, four baby was named Roxsanne — the highest number for this name.
There are eleven people with this name. In 1990, four baby was named Roxxane — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Roxxanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,261 people with this name. In 1953, 52 baby was named Roxy — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,229 people with this name. In 1965, 69 baby was named Roya — the highest number for this name.
There are 111 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Royale — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1942, four baby was named Royalene — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Royalle — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Royalty — the highest number for this name.
There are 138 people with this name. In 1938, five baby was named Royann — the highest number for this name.
There are 57 people with this name. In 1943, five baby was named Royanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 135 people with this name. In 1934, five baby was named Royanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Royelle — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1996, one babies were named Royesha — the highest number for this name.
There are 125 people with this name. In 1947, nine baby was named Royetta — the highest number for this name.
There are 251 people with this name. In 1938, nine baby was named Roylene — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 1936, two baby was named Roylynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 640 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Roz — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,129 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Roza — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1935, one babies were named Rozalee — the highest number for this name.
There are 501 people with this name. In 1925, fifteen baby was named Rozalia — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rozalie — the highest number for this name.
There are 41 people with this name. In 1984, three baby was named Rozalin — the highest number for this name.
There are 100 people with this name. In 1948, six baby was named Rozalind — the highest number for this name.
There are 219 people with this name. In 1987, ten baby was named Rozalyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Rozalynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 101 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rozan — the highest number for this name.
There are 141 people with this name. In 1977, eight baby was named Rozana — the highest number for this name.
There are 248 people with this name. In 1953, seventeen baby was named Rozann — the highest number for this name.
There are 277 people with this name. In 1950, thirteen baby was named Rozanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,085 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rozanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Roze — the highest number for this name.
There are 63 people with this name. In 1921, two baby was named Rozelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 781 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rozella — the highest number for this name.
There are 298 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rozelle — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1933, two baby was named Rozellia — the highest number for this name.
There are 34 people with this name. In 1928, one babies were named Rozelyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 212 people with this name. In 1934, seven baby was named Rozena — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1936, four baby was named Rozenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1959, seven baby was named Rozeta — the highest number for this name.
There are 326 people with this name. In 1931, eight baby was named Rozetta — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rozia — the highest number for this name.
There are 58 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rozie — the highest number for this name.
There are 30 people with this name. In 1960, six baby was named Rozilyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 473 people with this name. In 1966, 26 baby was named Rozina — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rozine — the highest number for this name.
There are 192 people with this name. In 1966, sixteen baby was named Rozita — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1925, one babies were named Rozlin — the highest number for this name.
There are 279 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rozlyn — the highest number for this name.
There are 96 people with this name. In 1977, seven baby was named Rozlynn — the highest number for this name.
There are 59 people with this name. In 1925, three baby was named Rozzie — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1931, three baby was named Rua — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1982, four baby was named Ruaa — the highest number for this name.
There are eighteen people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Ruah — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1940, two baby was named Ruann — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Ruari — the highest number for this name.
There are 286 people with this name. In 1996, seven baby was named Ruba — the highest number for this name.
There are 67 people with this name. In 1999, two baby was named Rubab — the highest number for this name.
There are 162 people with this name. In 1942, ten baby was named Rubbie — the highest number for this name.
There are 127 people with this name. In 1929, three baby was named Rubby — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1986, four baby was named Rubee — the highest number for this name.
There are 28 people with this name. In 1924, two baby was named Rubell — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1927, two baby was named Rubelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 137 people with this name. In 1920, three baby was named Rubena — the highest number for this name.
There are 133 people with this name. In 1945, seven baby was named Rubenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 61 people with this name. In 1931, five baby was named Ruberta — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1922, one babies were named Rubey — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,361 people with this name. In 1990, 95 baby was named Rubi — the highest number for this name.
There are 257 people with this name. In 1967, fourteen baby was named Rubia — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rubiana — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1986, two baby was named Rubianna — the highest number for this name.
There are 78 people with this name. In 1973, six baby was named Rubicela — the highest number for this name.
There are 93 people with this name. In 1966, eight baby was named Rubicelia — the highest number for this name.
There are 780 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Rubie — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,203 people with this name. In 1965, 64 baby was named Rubina — the highest number for this name.
There are 46 people with this name. In 1980, five baby was named Rubisela — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1996, one babies were named Rubit — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rubith — the highest number for this name.
There are 78,909 people with this name. In 1913, two baby was named Ruby — the highest number for this name.
There are 72 people with this name. In 1972, six baby was named Rubyann — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1923, one babies were named Rubyanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,234 people with this name. In 1918, two baby was named Rubye — the highest number for this name.
There are 40 people with this name. In 2001, one babies were named Rubylee — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1967, two baby was named Rubylynn — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Rubymae — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1982, one babies were named Rubyrose — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1949, four baby was named Rubystine — the highest number for this name.
There are 49 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rucha — the highest number for this name.
There are 95 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ruchama — the highest number for this name.
There are 80 people with this name. In 1991, six baby was named Ruchel — the highest number for this name.
There are 73 people with this name. In 1977, six baby was named Ruchelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 490 people with this name. In 1976, 27 baby was named Ruchi — the highest number for this name.
There are 49 people with this name. In 1974, six baby was named Ruchie — the highest number for this name.
There are 161 people with this name. In 1984, eleven baby was named Ruchika — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1980, six baby was named Ruchita — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ruchy — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1955, two baby was named Rudaina — the highest number for this name.
There are 82 people with this name. In 1939, six baby was named Rudean — the highest number for this name.
There are 35 people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Rudee — the highest number for this name.
There are 41 people with this name. In 1937, three baby was named Rudeen — the highest number for this name.
There are 45 people with this name. In 1926, three baby was named Rudelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 170 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rudene — the highest number for this name.
There are 205 people with this name. In 1931, five baby was named Rudine — the highest number for this name.
There are 425 people with this name. In 1926, eight baby was named Rue — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1924, one babies were named Ruella — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Ruelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 52 people with this name. In 1931, four baby was named Ruenell — the highest number for this name.
There are 263 people with this name. In 1935, seven baby was named Ruey — the highest number for this name.
There are 1,618 people with this name. In 1922, eleven baby was named Rufina — the highest number for this name.
There are twelve people with this name. In 1981, three baby was named Rugayyah — the highest number for this name.
There are 39 people with this name. In 1955, five baby was named Rugenia — the highest number for this name.
There are 47 people with this name. In 1979, four baby was named Rugiatu — the highest number for this name.
There are 42 people with this name. In 1920, one babies were named Ruhama — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1941, three baby was named Ruhamah — the highest number for this name.
There are ten people with this name. In 1994, two baby was named Ruhani — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Ruhee — the highest number for this name.
There are 96 people with this name. In 1998, two baby was named Ruhi — the highest number for this name.
There are 126 people with this name. In 1920, three baby was named Ruie — the highest number for this name.
There are 24 people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Ruiqi — the highest number for this name.
There are 21 people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Rujuta — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1937, one babies were named Ruka — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1997, one babies were named Rukaiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 20 people with this name. In 1975, five baby was named Rukaiyah — the highest number for this name.
There are fourteen people with this name. In 1991, two baby was named Rukaya — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1993, three baby was named Rukayat — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1993, four baby was named Rukhsar — the highest number for this name.
There are 86 people with this name. In 2000, one babies were named Rukia — the highest number for this name.
There are 200 people with this name. In 1978, fifteen baby was named Rukiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 133 people with this name. In 1942, six baby was named Rukmini — the highest number for this name.
There are 379 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rula — the highest number for this name.
There are 97 people with this name. In 1924, two baby was named Rumalda — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Ruman — the highest number for this name.
There are 207 people with this name. In 1998, four baby was named Rumana — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Rumell — the highest number for this name.
There are 205 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Rumi — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1924, one babies were named Rumina — the highest number for this name.
There are six people with this name. In 1968, two baby was named Rumonda — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Rumor — the highest number for this name.
There are 177 people with this name. In 1987, eight baby was named Runa — the highest number for this name.
There are 38 people with this name. In 1971, four baby was named Runda — the highest number for this name.
There are 126 people with this name. In 1929, nine baby was named Runell — the highest number for this name.
There are 48 people with this name. In 1924, three baby was named Runelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 140 people with this name. In 1926, five baby was named Runette — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1993, two baby was named Ruoxi — the highest number for this name.
There are 637 people with this name. In 1970, 38 baby was named Rupa — the highest number for this name.
There are 632 people with this name. In 1971, 47 baby was named Rupal — the highest number for this name.
There are 237 people with this name. In 1973, seventeen baby was named Rupali — the highest number for this name.
There are 202 people with this name. In 1925, four baby was named Ruperta — the highest number for this name.
There are 608 people with this name. In 1971, 33 baby was named Rupinder — the highest number for this name.
There are seventeen people with this name. In 1998, one babies were named Ruqaiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 32 people with this name. In 1983, three baby was named Ruqaiyah — the highest number for this name.
There are fifteen people with this name. In 1990, three baby was named Ruqaya — the highest number for this name.
There are thirteen people with this name. In 1996, two baby was named Ruqayah — the highest number for this name.
There are 31 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ruqayya — the highest number for this name.
There are 91 people with this name. In 1996, three baby was named Ruqayyah — the highest number for this name.
There are 25 people with this name. In 1982, four baby was named Ruqiya — the highest number for this name.
There are 147 people with this name. In 1967, ten baby was named Rus — the highest number for this name.
There are 54 people with this name. In 1921, one babies were named Rusha — the highest number for this name.
There are nine people with this name. In 1939, two baby was named Rushda — the highest number for this name.
There are 113 people with this name. In 1992, six baby was named Rushell — the highest number for this name.
There are 78 people with this name. In 1991, four baby was named Rushelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1925, two baby was named Rushia — the highest number for this name.
There are 86 people with this name. In 1925, two baby was named Rushie — the highest number for this name.
There are seven people with this name. In 1993, one babies were named Rushika — the highest number for this name.
There are 154 people with this name. In 1975, ten baby was named Ruslana — the highest number for this name.
There are eight people with this name. In 1975, three baby was named Russchell — the highest number for this name.
There are 26 people with this name. In 1975, nineteen baby was named Russchelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 79 people with this name. In 1940, six baby was named Russella — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1995, two baby was named Russia — the highest number for this name.
There are 70 people with this name. In 1930, four baby was named Russie — the highest number for this name.
There are 260 people with this name. In 1982, twelve baby was named Rusti — the highest number for this name.
There are 114 people with this name. In 1976, seven baby was named Rustie — the highest number for this name.
There are 62 people with this name. In 1974, four baby was named Rustina — the highest number for this name.
There are 189 people with this name. In 1920, two baby was named Rut — the highest number for this name.
There are 621 people with this name. In 1939, sixteen baby was named Ruta — the highest number for this name.
There are 277,817 people with this name. In 1913, six baby was named Ruth — the highest number for this name.
There are 845 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Rutha — the highest number for this name.
There are 22 people with this name. In 1926, two baby was named Ruthalee — the highest number for this name.
There are 96 people with this name. In 1999, one babies were named Ruthan — the highest number for this name.
There are 5,306 people with this name. In 1943, 208 baby was named Ruthann — the highest number for this name.
There are 287 people with this name. In 1928, eleven baby was named Ruthanna — the highest number for this name.
There are 2,019 people with this name. In 1944, 61 baby was named Ruthanne — the highest number for this name.
There are 655 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Ruthe — the highest number for this name.
There are 107 people with this name. In 1918, one babies were named Ruthel — the highest number for this name.
There are 103 people with this name. In 1937, six baby was named Ruthell — the highest number for this name.
There are 90 people with this name. In 1919, one babies were named Ruthella — the highest number for this name.
There are 27 people with this name. In 1929, four baby was named Ruthelle — the highest number for this name.
There are 195 people with this name. In 1922, three baby was named Ruthellen — the highest number for this name.
There are 36 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Ruthelma — the highest number for this name.
There are 53 people with this name. In 1922, two baby was named Ruthena — the highest number for this name.
There are 44 people with this name. In 1928, three baby was named Ruthene — the highest number for this name.
There are 149 people with this name. In 1930, seven baby was named Ruther — the highest number for this name.
There are 71 people with this name. In 1931, five baby was named Ruthetta — the highest number for this name.
There are nineteen people with this name. In 1929, two baby was named Ruthey — the highest number for this name.
There are 89 people with this name. In 1943, four baby was named Ruthi — the highest number for this name.

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Last updated on December 29, 2021 at 7:00 PM (PST)