Jane Kniep
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 resultsJane is a high school graduate. Sales Occupations is listed as their current occupation. 1945-04-30 is her birth date. Jane is seventy-nine. Jane’s current address is 260 American Canyon Rd, Amer Cyn, CA. We know that Blu Frog Pool & Spa, LLC and Fs Logistics Inc and three other companies are registered at this address. Jean L Loper, Annie L Tabor, and 347 other persons are connected to this place. The phone numbers of Jane are (707) 643-0355 (Pacific Bell), (707) 980-6900 (Cellco PartnershipPacific Bell). The phone number (707) 980-6900 is also used by Eric J Kniep, Angilee Leduff. [email protected] is Jane’s email address
- 260 American Canyon Rd, American Canyon, CA 94503
- County: Napa County
- FIPS: 60552010041010
- Possible connections via main address - Jean L Loper, Annie L Tabor
- Latitude, Longitude: 38.164428, -122.2445239
- (707) 643-0355, (707) 980-6900
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Eric J Kniep, Angilee Leduff
Residents of 60 Fairview Drv, Napa, CA 94559-3538 include Jane. This address is also associated with the name of Sharon Blaford, Alberto J Cirigo, and four other individuals. (707) 255-2417 (Pacific Bell) is used to contact Jane. There is a chance that the phone number (707) 255-2417 is shared by Kindra Kunkel, Charles Walker, Sharon Blaford
- 60 Fairview Dr, Napa, CA 94559
- Single Family, Attached Garage, 180 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, One bathroom
- Lot Size - 6,300 sqft, Floor Size - 1,060 sqft
- Parcel ID# 006252004000
- Last Sale Oct 2006 - Price $421,000
- County: Napa County
- FIPS: 60552003011003
- Possible connections via main address - Sharon Blaford, Alberto J Cirigo
- Latitude, Longitude: 38.29589, -122.274236
- (707) 255-2417
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Kindra Kunkel, Charles Walker, Sharon Blaford
81 Hoffman Av, Napa, CA 94559-3523 is where Jane resides. Kathleen M Archer, Lee R Kinsel, and three other persons are connected to this place. (707) 254-8063 (Pacific Bell) is used to contact Jane
- 81 Hoffman Ave, Napa, CA 94559
- County: Napa County
- FIPS: 60552003011005
- Possible connections via main address - Lee R Kinsel
- Latitude, Longitude: 38.297651, -122.272529
- (707) 254-8063
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Jose L Ascencio
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Jane Kniep . Here are the most common misspellings for Kniep: Kneip, Vanpoppel, Poppel, Klinekneip, Haasjr, Knipe, Kniet, Kenip, Heidi
- Jane Haas
- Jane Combs
- Jane Trivett
- Jane Hawker
- Jane Micheller
- Jane Mcenaney
- Jane Atkinson
- Jane Weidman
- Jane Cordell
- Jane Harmon
- Jane Hass
- Jane Kress
- Jane Knipp
- Jane Kline
- Jane Faulk
- Jane Zickefoose