Devanand Name Popularity

According to our data, Devanand is the 7569 th most frequently chosen male name. The name Devanand was most popular in 1967 when it was given to twelve boys (an estimated 0.00079123% of people born in that year). It was ranked 1967 back then. In 1967 the most popular baby boy names were Michael, David, John. Lisa, Michelle, Maria were the top names for girls.

Several variations of a name may have different spellings, pronunciations, or meanings: Dave, Dev, David, Sharma

Popularity Chart

How the popularity of the name Devanand has varied over time

by years

Top spouse names for Devanand

A person named Devanand most likely marry someone whose name is listed below, according to the Census Bureau data

Devanand — Priyanka
One couple
Devanand — Radha
One couple
Devanand — Sharda
One couple
Devanand — Sheila
One couple
Devanand — Toni
One couple

Persons named Devanand

We collected and organized all sorts of public records, from permits, licenses, and deeds to business registration records, patents, and trademarks.

Devanand Bishop
Three persons
Devanand Boodhoo
Two persons
Devanand Boodram
Two persons
Devanand Bookram
Two persons
Devanand Budhram
Two persons
Devanand Dedhia
Two persons
Devanand Deonarine
Three persons
Devanand Dominique
Three persons
Devanand Dukhu
Three persons
Devanand Dwarka
Two persons
Devanand Ghulam
Two persons
Devanand Goonie
Two persons
Devanand Gooray
One person
Devanand Gopaul
Two persons
Devanand Gossai
Five persons
Devanand Itwaru
Two persons
Devanand Kissun
Two persons
Devanand Kondur
Two persons
Devanand Lackraj
Three persons
Devanand Luthria
Two persons
Devanand Maharajh
Three persons
Devanand Malani
Two persons
Devanand Maloo
Two persons
Devanand Mangar
Three persons
Devanand Manoli
Two persons
Devanand Manoo
Two persons
Devanand Mathura
Eight persons
Devanand Nayak
Two persons
Devanand Patel
Two persons
Devanand Paul
Two persons
Devanand Persad
Three persons
Devanand Persaud
Nine persons
Devanand Prasad
Six persons
Devanand Rampersaud
Three persons
Devanand Sami
Two persons
Devanand Sarkar
Three persons
Devanand Sawh
Three persons
Devanand Shah
Four persons
Devanand Sharma
Eight persons
Devanand Somwaru
Three persons
Devanand Sookram
Four persons
Devanand Subraj
Two persons
Devanand Tewari
Two persons
Devanand Tilak
Two persons