Virginia Airports and Major Virginia Airports

There are total 9 passenger service airports in Virginia, out of these there are 4 international airports In Virginia.

Virginia Airports

Public Airports64
Private Airports213
International Airports6

The biggest international airport in Virginia is Ronald Reagan Washington National with passenger count 11366771 and smallest airport is Shenandoah Valley Regional with passenger count is 12179. Ronald Reagan Washington National on time arrival flight performance is 77.84% when compared to average united states on time arrival flight performance 79.99%. Ronald Reagan Washington National on time departure performance is 79.5% when compared to average united states on time departure performance 81.56%.

The total passenger count (Air traffic) from all Virginia airports is 27857139 which is contributing 3.2497324268691% of the total USA air traffic.

Browse Virginia airport visualizations on ranks and departure, arrival performance.

Flight Delays: (FAA) Flight Delay Information. You can also check for flight delays at your airlines website

Ronald Reagan Washington National: This airport is located at Arlington city and approximately 8 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Ronald Reagan Washington National is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 3/01/1941.The airport manager for Ronald Reagan Washington National is PAUL MALANDRINO, JR. and reachable at 703-417-8050.

Washington Dulles International: This airport is located at Dulles city and approximately 8 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Washington Dulles International is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 11/01/1962.The airport manager for Washington Dulles International is MIKE STEWART and reachable at 703-572-2730.

Richmond International: This airport is located at Highland Springs city and approximately 2 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Richmond International is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 12/01/1931.The airport manager for Richmond International is JON MATHIASEN and reachable at 804-226-3000.

Norfolk International: This airport is located at Norfolk city and approximately 2 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Norfolk International is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 3/01/1938.The airport manager for Norfolk International is ROBERT BOWEN, EXEC DIR and reachable at 757-857-3344.

Charlottesville-Albemarle: This airport is located at Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport city and approximately 1 mile away from central city and it is SSE to city. Charlottesville-Albemarle is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 0/01/1900.The airport manager for Charlottesville-Albemarle is MELINDA CRAWFORD and reachable at 434-973-8342.

Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional/Woodrum Field: This airport is located at Roanoke city and approximately 2 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional/Woodrum Field is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 5/01/1930.The airport manager for Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional/Woodrum Field is TIMOTHY BRADSHAW EXEC DIR and reachable at 540-362-1999.

Newport News/Williamsburg International: This airport is located at Newport News city and approximately 2 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Newport News/Williamsburg International is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 11/01/1948.The airport manager for Newport News/Williamsburg International is MICHAEL A. GIARDINO and reachable at 757-877-0221.

Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field: This airport is located at Timberlake city and approximately 1 mile away from central city and it is SW to city. Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 8/01/1937.The airport manager for Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field is MARK COURTNEY and reachable at 434-455-6090.

Shenandoah Valley Regional: This airport is located at Weyers Cave city and approximately 2 mile away from central city and it is NW to city. Shenandoah Valley Regional is operated by METRO NASHVILLE ARPT AUTH. The airport is operating from 8/01/1958.The airport manager for Shenandoah Valley Regional is GREGORY W. CAMPBELL and reachable at 540-234-8304.

Virginia Airports Precheck status

Virginia Airport namePrecheck statusTerminal
Washington Reagan NationalTRUESouth Pier
Washington Reagan NationalTRUECenter Pier
Washington Reagan NationalTRUENorth Pier
Washington Reagan NationalTRUEConcourse A
Washington-Dulles InternationalTRUEMain - East Mezzanine
Washington-Dulles InternationalTRUEMain - West Mezzanine
Washington-Dulles InternationalTRUEEmployee Checkpoint
Washington-Dulles InternationalTRUEDulles Diamond
Washington-Dulles InternationalTRUETSA PreCheck at Main Term
Norfolk InternationalTRUEConc. A Checkpoint
Norfolk InternationalTRUEConc. B Checkpoint
Richmond InternationalTRUEConcourse A
Richmond InternationalTRUEConcourse B
Newport News/Williamsburg InternationalFALSEPHF01
Roanoke Regional Woodrum FieldTRUEROA01
Charlottesville-AlbemarleFALSECHO - Checkpoint
Lynchburg RegionalFALSELYH - Checkpoint
Shenandoah Valley RegionalFALSESHD - Checkpoint

Airports in Virginia

City servedAirport namecode
AbingdonVirginia HighlandsVJI
BlacksburgVirginia Tech/Montgomery ExecutiveBCB
BlackstoneAllen C Perkinson Blackstone AafBKT
BrooknealBrookneal/Campbell County0V4
Chase CityChase City MuniCXE
ClarksvilleLake Country RegionalW63
CreweCrewe MuniW81
CulpeperCulpeper RgnlCJR
DanvilleDanville RgnlDAN
DublinNew River ValleyPSK
EmporiaEmporia-Greensville RgnlEMV
FarmvilleFarmville RgnlFVX
FranklinFranklin Muni-John Beverly RoseFKN
StaffordStafford RgnlRMN
Front RoyalFront Royal-Warren CountyFRR
Galax HillsvilleTwin CountyHLX
GordonsvilleGordonsville MuniGVE
GrundyGrundy MuniGDY
Hot SpringsIngalls FieldHSP
JonesvilleLee County0VG
KenbridgeLunenburg CountyW31
LawrencevilleLawrenceville/Brunswick MuniLVL
LeesburgLeesburg ExecutiveJYO
LouisaLouisa County/Freeman FieldLKU
LurayLuray CavernsLUA
LynchburgLynchburg Rgnl/Preston Glenn FldLYH
Marion/WythevilleMountain EmpireMKJ
MartinsvilleBlue RidgeMTV
MelfaAccomack CountyMFV
Newport NewsNewport News/Williamsburg IntlPHF
NorfolkNorfolk IntlORF
NorfolkChesapeake RgnlCPK
OrangeOrange CountyOMH
PetersburgDinwiddie CountyPTB
QuintonNew Kent CountyW96
RichlandsTazewell CountyJFZ
Richmond/AshlandHanover County MuniOFP
RichmondRichmond Executive-Chesterfield CountyFCI
RichmondRichmond IntlRIC
RoanokeRoanoke Rgnl/Woodrum FieldROA
SaludaHummel FieldW75
South BostonWilliam M TuckW78
South HillMecklenburg-Brunswick RgnlAVC
Staunton/Waynesboro/HarrisonburgShenandoah Valley RgnlSHD
SuffolkSuffolk ExecutiveSFQ
TangierTangier IslandTGI
TappahannockTappahannock-Essex CountyXSA
WakefieldWakefield MuniAKQ
Wallops IslandWallops Flight FacilityWAL
West PointMiddle Peninsula RgnlFYJ
WinchesterWinchester RgnlOKV
WiseLonesome PineLNP

Virginia Airports Rank by passenger count and performance

Airport NameRankFY19 passengers CountArrival performanceDeparture performance
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport241136677177.8479.5
Washington Dulles International Airport261162162380.6483.28
Richmond International Airport68204869174.9777.86
Norfolk International Airport72184603175.578.33
Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport15335281674.377.4
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional/Woodrum Field Airport15833006378.2875.03
Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport18419557375.4877.48
Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field Airport2518339268.9572.89
Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport4371217975.3480.66